Barnabas completes building of ten new schools for impoverished Pakistani Christians


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May 04, 2023

Barnabas completes building of ten new schools for impoverished Pakistani Christians

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Barnabas Aid has completed a project to build ten new schools for impoverished believers in Punjab, Pakistan.

The second phase of five school buildings was completed in early 2023. The first set of five schools came into operation in 2021.

The schools have been built to provide an education to Christian children from impoverished brick-kiln families. The majority of these children would not otherwise have had the opportunity to attend school.

A young pupil is helped with reading at one of ten new schools for Christian children funded by Barnabas

Funded with generous donations from Barnabas supporters, the schools provide suitable and secure premises for teaching to prepare pupils for further stages of education and eventual employment.

Each school has three classrooms. The doors and windows of the classroom can be closed very securely for protection.

Each classroom is equipped with its own electric connection and a wall-fixed chalkboard. There is a toilet with proper water supply and sanitation in another corner of the yard. These are better facilities than some of the pupils would have at home.

Barnabas has also funded teachers’ salaries at the ten schools, as well as providing children with bags and stationery. There are no fees, allowing even the most impoverished Christian parents to send their children to school.

As well as academic subjects that equip pupils with vital skills and knowledge that help break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy, children are also given Bible teaching to help them grow in their faith.

"God has arranged a school building"

Zeeshan, a pupil at one of the schools in Khanewal District, was previously unable to attend school because his parents could not afford the fees.

Zeeshan says he used to feel sad when he saw other boys and girls going to their schools. Now he has a school place, as well as books, stationery and a school bag.

He hopes to help his parents by studying and eventually finding a good, well-paying job. "Now I am very happy and thankful to Barnabas Aid," he says. "God bless you always."

Maria, who attends one of the new schools in the same district, was more fortunate than most of her classmates as she was able to attend school before. However, because her parents could not afford transport she had to walk for nearly an hour each day to get to school and back on dangerous roads that are not safe for anybody, especially not Christian girls.

"Now God has arranged a proper school building near to my house," says Maria. "Now I do not have to walk too much. I am getting quality education near to my house. I wish to become a doctor in future so that I can serve my community in the best way.

"In this building we can do every kind of activity easily. Our teachers are very co-operative with us. We are getting our religious education as well.

"My teacher told us that this building was established by Barnabas Aid. I am very grateful to Barnabas Aid and their team for this school building."

Give thanks for the provision of these ten new schools. Ask that the Lord will bless all 660 students with increased knowledge and understanding, and help them to grow in their Christian faith. Pray that many more Christian children will be helped through these schools in the years ahead.


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